
Hood Studio


Web Design
Web Development
Art Direction



Walter Hood is the creative director and founder of Hood Design Studio in Oakland, CA. He is also a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and lectures on professional and theoretical projects nationally and internationally. We have worked with Walter and his team for over a decade on projects including branding, photography, web design + development, and his book HYBRIDS. Here is a brief overview of some of the work we’ve created over the years for Hood Studio.

We designed a narrative lenticular wall and art panels with commemorative imagery for “The Curtain of Courage,” a memorial that honors the victims of the San Bernadino Terrorist Attack.


Hood Studio designed a laser-cut steel Curtain, whose hexagonal patterning evokes the construction of bulletproof vests and symbolizes the community’s strength. Akin to a prism, the glass panels refract and absorb light daily, offering an eternal sparkle, and at night emitting a glowing aura.

—Hood Studio

Adrienne Eberhardt shot a series of portraits of Walter Hood for his election to The American Academy of Arts and Letters in 2021.


We designed a website for Hood Studio that was built as an archive of their work.

We took time to create a structure and navigational system that was easily updated and adaptable to the high volume of growth anticipated for the studio.


Kerman Morris

